The data which you have access through "The Parallel Corpus English / Spanish, PaEns" (henceforth called PaEnS) may be used only for purely scientific or private purposes. Commercial use of any kind is prohibited. This prohibition of commercial use includes in particular the processing of the data in order to use them commercially by yourself or by a third party.
The data provided to you by PaEnS for research purposes may not be published as a whole neither directly nor indirectly, nor may it be broadcast or distributed in any medium. Neither the complete text corpus nor parts of it exceeding the size of a key word with context - as displayed in the results- may be archived permanently in any form (neither printed nor electronically).
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PaEnS guarantees neither the completeness and accuracy of the contents of the corpora or the continued accessibility of Internet application.
PaEnS also assumes no liability for the use of corpus data on the part of users.
PaEnS reserves the right to modify or supplement the information or data provided at any time without further notice.
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