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Core corpus: works

Adeyemi, Tomi (2018): Children of Blood and Bone. New York: Henry Holt and Co.
           [Adeyemi, Tomi (2018): Hijos de sangre y hueso. Barcelona: Molino.  Translation: Ana Mata Buil]
           Review of the alignment: H. Benali / L. Mesón. [10081]

Allende, Isabel (1982/1985): La casa de los espíritus. Barcelona: Plaza & Janés.
           [Allende, Isabel (1982): The House of the Spirits. New York: Washington Square Press.  Translation: Magda Bogin]
           Review of the alignment: A. Rita / G. Faya. [11022]

Allende, Isabel (1987): Eva Luna. Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana.
           [Allende, Isabel (2016): Eva Luna. New York: Atria Paperwork.  Translation: Margaret Sayers Peden]
           Review of the alignment: L. Alejaldre / L. Mesón. [11088]

Allende, Isabel (1992/2014): El plan infinito. Barcelona: Plaza & Janés.
           [Allende, Isabel (2012): The infinite plan. New York: Harper Collins.  Translation: Margaret Sayers Peden]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual. [11025]

Allende, Isabel (1999): Hija de la fortuna. Barcelona: Debolsillo.
           [Allende, Isabel (1999): Daughter of Fortune. New York: Harper Collins.  Translation: Margaret Sayers Peden]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual. [11012]

Allende, Isabel (2002): La ciudad de las bestias. Barcelona: Plaza & Janés.
           [Allende, Isabel (2006): City of the Beasts. New York: Harper Collins.  Translation: Margaret Sayers Peden]
           Review of the alignment: Á. Mira. [11007]

Allende, Isabel (2003): El reino del dragón de oro. Barcelona: Plaza & Janés.
           [Allende, Isabel (2004): Kingdom of the Golden Dragon. New York: Harper Collins.  Translation: Margaret Sayers Peden]
           Review of the alignment: P. Girol / I. Serón. [11080]

Allende, Isabel (2004/2005): El bosque de los pigmeos. Barcelona: Debolsillo.
           [Allende, Isabel (2021): Forest of the Pygmies. New York: HarperCollins.  Translation: Margaret Sayers Peden]
           Review of the alignment: M. Cabrera. [11082]

Allende, Isabel (2005): El zorro: comienza la leyenda. Barcelona: Plaza & Janés.
           [Allende, Isabel (2006): Zorro. New York: Harper Collins.  Translation: Margaret Sayers Peden]
           Review of the alignment: T. Jiménez / E. Fabeiro. [11087]

Allende, Isabel (2007/2009): La suma de los días. Chile: Random House Mondadori.
           [Allende, Isabel (2007): The Sum of Our Days. New York: Harper Collins.  Translation: Margaret Sayers Peden]
           Review of the alignment: Á. Mira. [11028]

Allende, Isabel (2009): La isla bajo el mar. Barcelona: Plaza & Janés.
           [Allende, Isabel (2010): Island Beneath the Sea. New York: Harper Collins.  Translation: Margaret Sayers Peden]
           Review of the alignment: E. Cabrera. [11083]

Allende, Isabel (2015): El amante japonés. Barcelona: Plaza & Janés.
           [Allende, Isabel (2015): The Japanese Lover. New York: Atria Books.  Translation: Nick Caistor / Amanda Hopkinson]
           Review of the alignment: S. García / I. Serón. [11078]

Allende, Isabel (2019): Largo pétalo de mar. Barcelona: Plaza & Janés.
           [Gallego, Laura (2020): A long petal of the sea. New York: Ballantine Books.  Translation: Nick Caistor / Amanda Hopkinston]
           Review of the alignment: P. Martín / I. Doval. [11043]

Ampuero, Roberto (2008/2012): El caso Neruda. Bogotá: Editorial Norma.
           [Ampuero, Roberto (2008): The Neruda case. New York: Riverhead Books.  Translation: De Robertis, Carolina]
           Review of the alignment: A. Rita / I. Doval. [11031]

Aramburu, Fernando (2016/2019): Patria. Barcelona: Tusquets.
           [Aramburu, Fernando (2016): Homeland. New York: Picador.  Translation: Alfred MacAdam]
           Review of the alignment: A. Lewis / G. Faya. [11020]

Arenas, Reinaldo (1990/2010): Antes que anochezca. Barcelona: Tusquets.
           [Arenas, Reinaldo (2001): Before Night Falls. London: Serpent’s Tail.  Translation: Dolores M. Koch]
           Review of the alignment: M. Cabrera / E. Cabrera / I. Doval. [11077]

Arsuaga, Juan Luis (1999): El collar del neandertal. Barcelona: Planeta.
           [Arsuaga, Juan Luis (2009): The Neanderthal's Necklace. New York: Four Walls Eight Windows.  Translation: Andy Klatt]
           Review of the alignment: L. de la Iglesia / I. Doval. [11109]

Auel, Jean M. (1980/2001): The Clan of the Cave Bear. New York: Random House.
           [Auel, Jean M. (2011): El clan del oso cavernario. Madrid: Maeva.  Translation: Leonor Tejada Conde-Pelayo]
           Review of the alignment: A. González. [10032]

Auel, Jean M. (1982/2001): The Valley of Horses. New York: Random House.
           [Auel, Jean M. (2011): El valle de los caballos. Madrid: Maeva.  Translation: Leonor Tejada Conde-Pelayo]
           Review of the alignment: G. Faya [10031]

Auster, Paul (2002): The Book of Illusions. London: Faber and Faber.
           [Auster, Paul (2008): El libro de las ilusiones. Barcelona: Anagrama.  Translation: Benito Gómez Ibáñez]
           Review of the alignment: I. Doval [10021]

Auster, Paul (2006): The Brooklyn Follies. New York: Henry Holt and Company.
           [Auster, Paul (2008): Brooklyn Follies. Barcelona: Anagrama.  Translation: Benito Gómez Ibáñez]
           Review of the alignment: C. Quijada. [10023]

Benedict, Ruth (1946): The Chrysanthemum and the Sword. Massachusetts: Riverside Press.
           [Benedict, Ruth (2011): El crisantemo y la espada. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.  Translation: Javier Alfaya]
           Review of the alignment: M. Cabrera / I. Doval. [10082]

Bolaño, Roberto (1984/2010): Monsieur pain. Barcelona: Anagrama.
           [Bolaño, Roberto (1999): Monsieur pain. New York: New Directions.  Translation: Chris Andrews]
           Review of the alignment: S. López. [11052]

Bolaño, Roberto (1998/2006): Los detectives salvajes. Barcelona: Anagrama.
           [Bolaño, Roberto (2007): The savage detectives. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.  Translation: Natasha Wimmer]
           Review of the alignment: P. Callejo / M. Sánchez. [11045]

Bolaño, Roberto (1999/2006): Amuleto. Barcelona: Anagrama.
           [Bolaño, Roberto (2008): Amulet. New York: New Directions.  Translation: Natasha Wimmer]
           Review of the alignment: P. Barco/I. Doval, E. Martínez/S. López. [11046]

Bradbury, Ray (1953/2012): Fahrenheit 451. New York: Simon & Schuster.
           [Bradbury, Ray (2016): Fahrenheit 451. Barcelona: Debolsillo.  Translation: Alfredo Crespo López]
           Review of the alignment: M. Lang [10013]

Cabrera Infante, Guillermo (2013): Mapa dibujado por un espía. Barcelona: Galaxia Gutemberg.
           [Cabrera Infante, Guillermo (2017): Map drawn by a spy. New York: Archipielago Books.  Translation: Mark Fried]
           Review of the alignment: P. Martín / I. Doval. [11041]

Carrión, Jorge (2013): Librerías. Barcelona: Anagrama.
           [Carrión, Jorge (2017): Bookshops. Windsor: Biblioasis.  Translation: Peter Bush]
           Review of the alignment: A. Bustillos. [11120]

Carver, Raymond (1983/1999): The Cathedral. London: Harvill Press.
           [Carver, Raymond (2014): La Catedral . Barcelona: Anagrama.  Translation: Benito Gómez Ibáñez]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual [10014]

Cercas, Javier (2001/2004): Soldados de Salamina. Barcelona: Random House Mondadori.
           [Cercas, Javier (2015): Soldiers of Salamis. New York: Bloombsbury.  Translation: Anne McLean]
           Review of the alignment: Aimée Lewis / I. Doval. [11014]

Chbosky, Stephen (1999): The Perks of Being a Wallflower. New York: Pocket Books.
           [Chbosky, Stephen (2017): Las ventajas de ser un marginado. Madrid: Alfaguara.  Translation: Vanesa Pérez-Sauquillo]
           Review of the alignment: T. Jiménez / L. Mesón. [10090]

Cialdini, Robert (2016): Pre-Suasion. The Frontloading of Attention. New York: Simon & Schuster.
           [Cialdini, Robert (2017): Pre-suasión. Un método revolucionario para influir y persuadir. Barcelona: Penguin Random House.  Translation: María Serrano Giménez]
           Review of the alignment: T. Jiménez. [10048]

Cisneros, Sandra (1984/1991): The House on Mango Street. New York: Vintage Books.
           [Cisneros, Sandra (2004): La Casa en Mango Street. Barcelona: Seix Barral.  Translation: Elena Poniatowska]
           Review of the alignment: I. Serón/M. Sánchez. [10051]

Colfer, Eoin (2001): Artemis Fowl. New York: Hyperion Books.
           [Colfer, Eoin (2001): Artemis Fowl. Barcelona: Random House Mondadori.  Translation: Ana Alcaina]
           Review of the alignment: I. Serón. [10056]

Cornwell, Bernard (2014): Waterloo. New York: Harper Collins.
           [Cornwell, Bernard (2015): Waterloo. Barcelona: Edhasa.  Translation: Tomás Fernández / Beatriz Eguibar]
           Review of the alignment: P. Barco / E. Martíez / L. Mesón. [10064]

Cortázar, Julio (1986/2006): El examen. Buenos Aires: Alfaguara.
           [Cortázar, Julio (2000): Final Exam. New York: New Directions.  Translation: Alfred Mac Adam]
           Review of the alignment: L. Meson. [11110]

Dahl, Roald (1964/2010): Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. London: Penguin Books.
           [Dahl, Roald (2014): Charlie y la fábrica de chocolate. Madrid: SANTILLANA LOQUELEO.  Translation: Verónica Head]
           Review of the alignment: L. Alejaldre. [10053]

Dahl, Roald (1988): Matilda 2005 London Puffin Books.
           [Dahl, Roald (2005): Matilda. Madrid: Alfaguara.  Translation: Pedro Barbadillo]
           Review of the alignment: P. Callejo / M. T. Sánchez. [10045]

Dashner, James (2009): The Maze Runner. New York: Penguin Random House.
           [Dashner, James (2010): El corredor del laberinto. Madrid: Nocturna ediciones.  Translation: Noemí Risco Mateo]
           Review of the alignment: E. Cabrera / I. Doval. [10083]

Dashner, James (2010): The Scorch Trials. New York: Delacorte Press.
           [Dashner, James (2014): Las pruebas. Madrid: Nocturna Ediciones.  Translation: Noemí Risco Mateo]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual / L. Mesón. [10088]

Del Molino, Sergio (2020): La piel. Barcelona: Alfaguara.
           [Del Molino, Sergio (2022): Skin. Medford: Polity.  Translation: Thomas Bunstead]
           Review of the alignment: L. Alejaldre. [11111]

Doerr, Anthony (2007/2008): Four Seasons in Rome. London: Fourth Estate.
           [Doerr, Anthony (2016): Un año en Roma. Barcelona: Debolsillo.  Translation: Eduardo Iriarte.]
           Review of the alignment: L. Mesón / I. Serón. [10059]

Dueñas, María (2009): El tiempo entre costuras. Madrid: Planeta.
           [Dueñas, María (2014): The Time in Between. New York: Simon & Schuster.  Translation: Daniel Hahn]
           Review of the alignment: L. Mesón. [11098]

Dueñas, María (2012): Misión olvido. Madrid: Planeta.
           [Dueñas, María (2014): The Heart Has Its Reasons. New York: Simon & Schuster.  Translation: Elie Kerrigan]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual. [11099]

Ekman, Paul (1985/1992): Telling Lies: Clues to Deceit in the Marketplace, Politics, and Marriage . New York: Norton & Company.
           [Ekman, Paul (2009): Cómo detectar mentiras. Barcelona: Paidós Ibérica .  Translation: Leandro Wolfson]
           Review of the alignment: G. Faya / I. Doval [10037]

Enríquez, Mariana (2009/2017): Los peligros de fumar en la cama. Barcelona: Anagrama.
           [Enríquez, Mariana (2021): The Dangers of Smoking in Bed. London: Granta Books.  Translation: Megan McDowell]
           Review of the alignment: E. Cabrera / I. Doval. [11068]

Enríquez, Mariana (2016/2017): Las cosas que perdimos en el fuego. Barcelona: Anagrama.
           [Enríquez, Mariana (2021): Things We Lost in the Fire. New York: Penguin Random House.  Translation: Megan McDowell]
           Review of the alignment: S. García / I. Serón. [11071]

Enríquez, Mariana (2019): Nuestra parte de noche. Barcelona: Anagrama.
           [Enríquez, Mariana (2022): Our Share of Night. London: Granta Books.  Translation: Megan McDowell]
           Review of the alignment: S. García. [11084]

Espinosa, Albert (2008/2012): El mundo amarillo. London: Penguin Books.
           [Espinosa, Albert (2010): The Yellow World. Barcelona: Random House Mondadori.  Translation: James Womack]
           Review of the alignment: A. Rita / A. González [11008]

Espinosa, Albert (2010/2015): Todo lo que podríamos haber sido tú y yo si no fuéramos tú y yo. New York: Penguin Random House.
           [Espinosa, Albert (2010): Everything you and I could have been if we weren't you and I. Barcelona: Grijalbo.  Translation: Mara Faye Lethem]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual [11024]

Espinosa, Albert (2012/2017): Si tú me dices ven lo dejo todo. . . pero dime ven. London: Penguin Random House.
           [Espinosa, Albert (2012): If You Tell Me to Come, I’ll Drop Everything … Just Tell Me to Come. Barcelona: Grijalbo.  Translation: James Womack]
           Review of the alignment: M. Sánchez / H. Salgado [11021]

Falcones, Ildefonso (2006/2009): La catedral del Mar. New York: New American Library.
           [Falcones, Ildefonso (2010): Cathedral of the Sea. Barcelona: Random House Mondadori.  Translation: Nick Caistor]
           Review of the alignment: M. Sánchez / H. Salgado [11015]

Fernández, Nona (2019/2020): Voyager. Santiago de Chile: Random House Mondadori.
           [Fernández, Nona (2023): Voyager. Minneapolis: Graywolf Press.  Translation: Natasha Wimmer]
           Review of the alignment: S. López. [11044]

Follett, Ken (1976/1999): The Modigliani Scandal. New York: Penguin Random House.
           [Follett, Ken (2018): El escándalo Modigliani. Barcelona: Plaza & Janés.  Translation: Edith Zilli]
           Review of the alignment: P. Girol / I. Serón. [10084]

Forsyth, Frederick (1969/1976): The Making of an African Legend: The Biafra Story. Barnsley: Pen & Sword Books.
           [Forsyth, Frederick (2001): Génesis de una leyenda africana. Barcelona: Debolsillo.  Translation: Isabel Esteban Güell]
           Review of the alignment: J. San Julián. [10058]

Forsyth, Frederick (1972/2003): The Odessa File. London: Arrow.
           [Forsyth, Frederick (2011): Odessa: un periodista se enfrenta a una organización secreta nazi. Barcelona: Debolsillo.  Translation: Ana María de la Fuente Rodríguez]
           Review of the alignment: J. San Julián. [10060]

Forsyth, Frederick (2015): Outsider. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons.
           [Forsyth, Frederick (2016): El intruso. Barcelona: Plaza & Janés.  Translation: Eduardo Iriarte]
           Review of the alignment: P. Barco / I. Doval. [10061]

Franzen, Jonathan (2001): The Corrections. New York: Farrar, Straus and Girous.
           [Franzen, Jonathan (2002): Las correcciones. Barcelona: Salamandra.  Translation: Ramón Buenaventura]
           Review of the alignment: J. San Julián. [10038]

Franzen, Jonathan (2010): Freedom. New York: Farrar, Straus and Girous.
           [Franzen, Jonathan (2011): Libertad. Barcelona: Salamandra.  Translation: Isabel Ferrer]
           Review of the alignment: P. Callejo / P. Martín. [10039]

Gaiman, Neil (1997): Stardust. London: Review.
           [Gaiman, Neil (2010): Stardust. Barcelona: Roca Bolsillo.  Translation: Ernest Riera]
           Review of the alignment: S. García / I. Serón. [10085]

Gallego, Laura (2016): Omnia. Todo lo que puedes soñar. Seattle: Amazon Crossing.
           [Gallego, Laura (2016): Omnia. Barcelona: Random House.  Translation: Jordi Castells]
           Review of the alignment: I. Doval [11040]

García Márquez, Gabriel (1955/2003): La hojarasca. Barcelona: Debolsillo.
           [García Márquez, Gabriel (2014): Leaf Storm. London: Penguin Random House.  Translation: Gregory Rabassa]
           Review of the alignment: E. Cabrera / I. Doval. [11076]

García Márquez, Gabriel (1967/1971): Cien años de soledad. New York: Avon Books.
           [García Márquez, Gabriel (2006): One Hundred Years of Solitude. Madrid: Mondadori.  Translation: Gregory Rabassa]
           Review of the alignment: á. Mira [11005]

García Márquez, Gabriel (1981/2003): Crónica de una muerte anunciada. New York: Waterbrook Press.
           [García Márquez, Gabriel (1982): Chronicle of a Death Foretold. Barcelona: Bruguera.  Translation: Gregory Rabassa]
           Review of the alignment: I. Doval [11004]

García Márquez, Gabriel (1985/2003): El amor en los tiempos del cólera. Barcelona: Debolsillo.
           [García Márquez, Gabriel (2014): Love in the Time of Cholera. London: Penguin Random House.  Translation: Edith Grossman]
           Review of the alignment: S. García / I. Seroacute;n. [11075]

Gardner, Howard (1993): Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York: Basic Books.
           [Gardner, Howard (2001): Estructuras de la mente: la teoría de las inteligencias múltiples. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE).  Translation: Sergio Fernández Éverest]
           Review of the alignment: I. Doval. [10047]

Gladwell, Malcolm (2000): The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference. New York: Hachette Book Group.
           [Gladwell, Malcolm (2017): El punto clave. Barcelona: Penguin Random House.  Translation: Inés Belaustegui]
           Review of the alignment: T. Jiménez. [10070]

Gladwell, Malcolm (2009): What the Dog Saw and Other Adventures. London: Penguin Books.
           [Gladwell, Malcolm (2009): Lo que el perro vio y otras aventuras. Madrid: Taurus.  Translation: Pedro Cifuentes Huertas]
           Review of the alignment: S. López. [10074]

Gladwell, Malcolm (2019): Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don't Know. New York: Hachette.
           [Gladwell, Malcolm (2020): Hablar con extraños. Por qué es tan crucial (y tan difícil) leer las intenciones de los desconocidos. Madrid: Taurus.  Translation: Pedro Cifuentes Huertas]
           Review of the alignment: L. Alejaldre / L. Mesón. [10076]

Gladwell, Malcolm (2021): The Bomber Mafia. New York: Hachette Book Group.
           [Gladwell, Malcolm (2022): El clan de los bombarderos. Barcelona: Penguin Random House.  Translation: Juan Luis Trejo Álvarez]
           Review of the alignment: H. Benali. [10069]

Golding, Willian (1954/2012): Lord of the Flies. London: Faber & Faber.
           [Golding, Willian (2005): El Señor de las moscas. Barcelona: Edhasa.  Translation: Carmen Vergara]
           Review of the alignment: M. Lang [10016]

Gómez-Jurado, Juan (2018): Reina roja. Barcelona: Ediciones B.
           [Gómez-Jurado, Juan (2023): Red Queen. London: Macmillan.  Translation: Nick Caistor]
           Review of the alignment: P. Girol / I. Serón. [11091]

Grande, Reyna (2006): Across a Hundred Moutains. New York: Atria Books.
           [Grande, Reyna (2009): A través de cien montañas. New York: Atria Books.  Translation: Reyna Grande]
           Review of the alignment: S. López. [10092]

Grande, Reyna (2022): A Ballad of Love and Glory. New York: Simon & Schuster.
           [Grande, Reyna (2022): Corrido de amor y gloria. New York: Harper Collins.  Translation: Raúl Silva / Alicia Reardón]
           Review of the alignment: A. Bustillos. [10093]

Green, John (2012): The Fault in Our Stars. New York: Dutton Books.
           [Green, John (2019): Bajo la misma estrella. Barcelona: Debolsillo.  Translation: Noemi Sobregues Arias]
           Review of the alignment: M. Lang [10017]

Han, Jenny (2011): We’ll Always Have Summer. New York: Simon & Schuster.
           [Han, Jenny (2023): Siempre nos quedará el verano. Barcelona: Planeta.  Translation: Marta Becerril Albornà]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual / L. Mesón. [10077]

Han, Jenny (2014): To All the Boys I've Loved Before. New York: Simon & Schuster.
           [Han, Jenny (2018): A todos los chicos de los que me enamoré. Barcelona: Planeta.  Translation: Marta Becerril Albornà]
           Review of the alignment: S. López. [10078]

Han, Jenny (2015): P.S. I Still Love You. New York: Simon & Schuster.
           [Han, Jenny (2020): P.D. Todavía te quiero. Barcelona: Planeta.  Translation: Marta Becerril Albornà]
           Review of the alignment: L. Recuenco / I. Doval. [10079]

Harari, Yuval N. (2011/2014): Sapiens. A Brief History of Humankind. New York: Harper.
           [Harari, Yuval N. (2014): Sapiens. De animales a dioses: Una breve historia de la humanidad. Barcelona: Debate.  Translation: Joandomènec Ros]
           Review of the alignment: G. Faya [10001]

Harari, Yuval N. (2015/2016): Homo Deus. A Brief History of Tomorrow. London: Harvill Secker.
           [Harari, Yuval N. (2016): Homo Deus: Breve historia del mañana. Barcelona: Debate.  Translation: Joandomènec Ros]
           Review of the alignment: I. Doval [10002]

Hemingway, Ernest (1952/1994): The Old Man and the Sea. London: Arrow (Random).
           [Hemingway, Ernest (1992): El viejo y el mar. Barcelona: Planeta.  Translation: Lino Novás Calvo]
           Review of the alignment: M. Lang [10018]

Hirsi Ali, Ayaan (2006/2007): Infidel. New York: Free Press.
           [Hirsi Ali, Ayaan (2009): Infiel. Barcelona: Titivillus.  Translation: Sergio Pawlowsky]
           Review of the alignment: A. Lewis / G. Faya [10035]

Hirsi Ali, Ayaan (2015): Heretic. Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now. New York: Harper Collins.
           [Hirsi Ali, Ayaan (2015): Reformemos el Islam! Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg, S. L.  Translation: Iván Montes / Irene Oliva Luque / Gabriel Dols Gallardo]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual [10022]

Hustvedt, Siri (2003): What I loved. London: Hodder & Stoughton.
           [Hustvedt, Siri (2004): Todo cuanto amé. Barcelona: Circe.  Translation: Gian Castelli]
           Review of the alignment: C. Quijada [10026]

Hustvedt, Siri (2016): A woman looking at men looking at women: essays on art, sex, and the mind. New York: Simon & Schuster.
           [Hustvedt, Siri (2017): La mujer que mira a los hombres que miran a las mujeres. Barcelona: Planeta.  Translation: Aurora Echevarría]
           Review of the alignment: C. Quijada [10024]

Jodorowsky, Alejandro (2001): Danza de la realidad. Madrid: Ediciones Siruela.
           [Jodorowsky, Alejandro (2014): The Dance of Reality. Rochester: Park Street Press.  Translation: Ariel Godwin]
           Review of the alignment: L. de la Iglesia / I. Doval. [11100]

Jodorowsky, Alejandro (2001/2010): La danza de la realidad: Psicomagia y psicochamanismo. Madrid: Siruela.
           [Jodorowsky, Alejandro (2014): The Dance of Reality. Vermont: Park Street Press.  Translation: Ariel Godwin]
           Review of the alignment: P. Barco. [11063]

Kahneman, Daniel (2011): Thinking, fast and slow. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
           [Kahneman, Daniel (2012):Pensar rápido, pensar despacio. Barcelona: Debate.  Translation: Joaquín Chamorro Mielke]
           Review of the alignment: G. Faya [10025]

King, Stephen (1981): Danse Macabre. New York: Everest House.
           [King, Stephen (2006): Danza macabra. Madrid: Valdemar.  Translation: Óscar Palmer Yánez]
           Review of the alignment: L. Mesón. [10067]

King, Stephen (1991): The Dark Tower III: The Wastelands. New York: Scribner.
           [King, Stephen (1994): La torre oscura III: Las tierras baldías. Barcelona: Ediciones B.  Translation: Jordi Mustieles]
           Review of the alignment: E. Martínez. [10072]

King, Stephen (2000): On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. New York: Simon & Schuster.
           [King, Stephen (2018): Mientras escribo. Barcelona: Debolsillo.  Translation: Jofre Homedes Beutnagel]
           Review of the alignment: S. López. [10068]

King, Stephen (2012): Wizard and Glass. New York: Hachette.
           [King, Stephen (2014): Mago y cristal. Barcelona: Debolsillo.  Translation: María Antonia Menini Pagès / Fabio Andrés Ferreras]
           Review of the alignment: T. Jiménez / L. Mesón. [10075]

Kissinger, Henry (2022): Leadership: Six Studies in World Strategy. New York: Penguin Press.
           [Kissinger, Henry (2023): Liderazgo: seis estudios sobre estrategia mundial. Barcelona: Penguin Random House.  Translation: Vanesa Pérez-Sauquillo]
           Review of the alignment: A. Bustillos / I. Serón. [10089]

Labatut, Benjamín (2020): Un verdor terrible. Barcelona: Anagrama.
           [Labatut, Benjamín (2020): When we Cease to Understand the World. London: Pushkin Press.  Translation: Adrian Nathan West]
           Review of the alignment: L. Mesón. [11101]

Labatut, Benjamín (2023): Maniac. Barcelona: Anagrama.
           [Labatut, Benjamín (2023): The Maniac. London: Pushkin Press.  Translation: n_a]
           Review of the alignment: L. Mesón. [11105]

Labatut, Benjamín (2023): Maniac. Barcelona: Anagrama.
           [Labatut, Benjamín (2023): The Maniac. London: Pushkin Press.  Translation: n_a]
           Review of the alignment: L. Meson. [11108]

Labatut, Benjamín (2023): Maniac. Barcelona: Anagrama.
           [Labatut, Benjamín (2023): The Maniac. London: Pushkin Press.  Translation: unknown]
           Review of the alignment: A. Bustillos. [11124]

Lewis, Clive Staples (1950/2008): The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. London: Harper Collins Publ.
           [Lewis, Clive Staples (2005): El león, la bruja y el ropero. Barcelona: Planeta.  Translation: Margarita Valdés]
           Review of the alignment: M. Lang [10019]

Lippincott, Rachael / Daughtry, Mikki / Iaconis, Tobias (2018): Five Feet Apart. New York: Simon & Schuster.
           [Lippincott, Rachael / Daughtry, Mikki / Iaconis, Tobias (2019): A dos metros de ti. Barcelona: Nube de tinta.  Translation: Ricard Gil Giner]
           Review of the alignment: A. Bustillos / I. Serón. [10091]

Loureiro, Manel (2010): Apocalipsis Z: Los días oscuros. Barcelona: Plaza & Janés.
           [Loureiro, Manel (2013): Apokalypse Z: Dark Days. Las Vegas: AmazonCrossing.  Translation: Pamela Carmell]
           Review of the alignment: L. Alejaldre. [11038]

Loureiro, Manel (2010): Apocalipsis Z: Los días oscuros. Barcelona: Plaza & Janés.
           [Loureiro, Manel (2013): Apokalypse Z: Dark Days. Las Vegas: AmazonCrossing.  Translation: Pamela Carmell]
           Review of the alignment: S. López. [11058]

Loureiro, Manel (2013): El último pasajero. Barcelona: Planeta.
           [Loureiro, Manel (2014): The Last Passenger. Seattle: Amazon Crossing.  Translation: Andrés Alfaro]
           Review of the alignment: L. de la Iglesia / I. Doval. [11103]

Luiselli, Valeria (2011/2014): Los ingrávidos. Madrid: Editorial Sexto Piso.
           [Luiselli, Valeria (2012): Faces in the crowd: a novel. Minneapolis: Coffee House Press.  Translation: Christina MacSweeney]
           Review of the alignment: S. López. [11057]

Luiselli, Valeria (2019): Lost Children Archive. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
           [Luiselli, Valeria (2019): Los niños perdidos. Madrid: Sexto Piso.  Translation: Daniel Saldaña / Valeria Luiselli]
           Review of the alignment: P. Girol / I. Serón. [10080]

Magano, Jorge (2014): La mirada de piedra. Madrid: La esfera de los libros.
           [Magano, Jorge (2015): Turned to Stone. Seattle: AmazonCrossing.  Translation: Simon Bruni]
           Review of the alignment: L. Alejaldre. [11049]

Mantel, Hilary M. (2009): Wolf Hall. New York: Harper Collins.
           [Mantel, Hilary M. (2009): En la corte del lobo. Barcelona: Destino.  Translation: José Manuel Álvarez Flórez]
           Review of the alignment: A. Lewis / I. Doval [10033]

Marías, Javier (1992/1995): Corazón tan blanco. London: Harvill Press.
           [Marías, Javier (1992): A Heart so White. Barcelona: Anagrama.  Translation: Margaret Jull Costa]
           Review of the alignment: I. Doval [11018]

Marías, Javier (2002/2005): Tu rostro mañana. 1 Fiebre y lanza. . London: Chatto & Windus.
           [Marías, Javier (2002): Your Face Tomorrow 1: Fever and Spear. Madrid: Alfaguara.  Translation: Margaret Jull Costa]
           Review of the alignment: I. Doval [11019]

Marsé, Juan (2011): Caligrafía de los sueños. Barcelona: Lumen.
           [Marsé, Juan (2014): The Calligraphy of Dreams. London: MacLehose Press.  Translation: Nick Caistor]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual / L. Alejaldre. [11065]

McManus, Karen M. (2017): One of Us Is Lying. London: Penguin Books.
           [McManus, Karen M. (2017): Alguien está mintiendo. Barcelona: Alfaguara.  Translation: Sara Cano Fernández]
           Review of the alignment: T. Jiménez. [10087]

McManus, Karen M. (2021): You'll Be the Death of Me. New York: Delacorte Press.
           [McManus, Karen M. (2022): Tú serás mi muerte. Barcelona: Penguin Random House.  Translation: Victoria Simó]
           Review of the alignment: L. Alejaldre. [10096]

Medel, Elena (2020): Las maravillas. Barcelona: Anagrama.
           [Medel, Elena (2022): The Wonders. Chapel Hill: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill.  Translation: Lizzie Davis]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual. [11104]

Melchor, Fernanda (2013/2019): Aquí no es Miami. Barcelona: Penguin Random.
           [Melchor, Fernanda (2023): This is Not Miami. New York: New Directions.  Translation: Sophie Hughes]
           Review of the alignment: L. Alejaldre. [11095]

Melchor, Fernanda (2017): Temporada de huracanes. Ciudad de México: Penguin Random House.
           [Melchor, Fernanda (2020): Hurricane Season. London: Fitzcarraldo Editions.  Translation: Sophie Hughes]
           Review of the alignment: S. López. [11066]

Melchor, Fernanda (2021): Páradais. México: Penguin Random House.
           [Melchor, Fernanda (2022): Paradais. London: Fitzcarraldo Editions.  Translation: Sophie Hughes]
           Review of the alignment: L. Alejaldre. [11112]

Méndez, Alberto (2004): Los girasoles ciegos. Barcelona: Anagrama.
           [Méndez, Alberto (2008): Blind Sunflowers. London: Arcadia Books.  Translation: Nick Caistor]
           Review of the alignment: L. Mesón / I. Serón. [11050]

Mendoza, Eduardo (1986/1996): La ciudad de los prodigios. Barcelona: Seix Barral.
           [Mendoza, Eduardo (2022): City of Wonders. London: MacLehose Press Quercus Editions.  Translation: Nick Caistor]
           Review of the alignment: M. Cabrera / E. Cabrera / I. Doval. [11069]

Mendoza, Eduardo (2010/2013): Riña de gatos. Madrid 1936. London: Quercus Publishing.
           [Mendoza, Eduardo (2010): An Englishman in Madrid. Barcelona: Planeta.  Translation: Nick Caistor]
           Review of the alignment: M. Sánchez / G. Faya [11030]

Mesa, Sara (2012): Cuatro por cuatro. Barcelona: Anagrama.
           [Mesa, Sara (2020): Four by four. Rochester: Open Letter.  Translation: Katie Whittemore]
           Review of the alignment: T. Jiménez. [11115]

Mesa, Sara (2016): Mala letra. Barcelona: Anagrama.
           [Mesa, Sara (2022): Bad Handwriting. New York: Open Letter.  Translation: Katie Whittemore]
           Review of the alignment: S. López / E. Fabeiro. [11086]

Mesa, Sara (2018): Cara de pan. Barcelona: Anagrama.
           [Mesa, Sara (2021): Among the Hedges. New York: Open Letter.  Translation: Megan McDowell]
           Review of the alignment: P. Girol. [11116]

Millás García, Juan José (2016): Desde la Sombra. Barcelona: Seix Barral.
           [Millás García, Juan José (2019): From the Shadows. New York: Bellevue Literary Press.  Translation: Thomas Bunstead y Daniel Hahn]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual. [11056]

Millás García, Juan José (2018): Que nadie duerma. Madrid: Alfaguara.
           [Millás García, Juan José (2022): Let no one sleep. New York: Bellevue Literary Press.  Translation: Thomas Bunstead]
           Review of the alignment: L. Alejaldre. [11055]

Mischel, Walter (2014): The Marshmallow Test. New York: Hachette Book Group.
           [Mischel, Walter (2015): El test de la golosina. Cómo entender y manejar el autocontrol. Barcelona: Penguin Random House.  Translation: Joaquín Chamorro Mielke]
           Review of the alignment: S. López. [10049]

Moreno Durán, Aroa (2017): La hija del comunista. Barcelona: Penguin Random House.
           [Moreno Durán, Aroa (2021): The Communist's Daughter. London: Tinder Press.  Translation: Katie Whittemore]
           Review of the alignment: T. Jiménez. [11106]

Moro, Javier (2005): Pasión india. Barcelona: Seix Barral.
           [Moro, Javier (2014): The Dancer and the Raja. Barcelona: Planeta.  Translation: Peter J. Hearn]
           Review of the alignment: A. Bustillos / I. Serón. [11094]

Moro, Javier (2008): El sari rojo. Barcelona: Seix Barral.
           [Moro, Javier (2014): The Red Sari. New York: Open Road.  Translation: Peter J. Hearn]
           Review of the alignment: S. López. [11093]

Muñoz Molina, Antonio (2001): Sefarad. Madrid: Santillana.
           [Muñoz Molina, Antonio (2003): Sepharad. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.  Translation: Margaret Sayers Peden]
           Review of the alignment: S. López. [11085]

Neuman, Andrés (2010): Cómo viajar sin ver. Madrid: Alfaguara.
           [Neuman, Andrés (2016): How to travel without seeing. New York: Restless Books.  Translation: Jeffrey Lawrence]
           Review of the alignment: J. San Julián. [11059]

Ngan, Natasha (2018): Girls of Paper and Fire. New York: Jimmy Patterson Books.
           [Ngan, Natasha (2019): Chicas de papel y de fuego. Madrid: Puck.  Translation: Nora Escoms]
           Review of the alignment: L. Alejaldre / L. Mesón. [10086]

Obama, Michelle (2018): Becoming. New York: Penguin Random House LLC.
           [Obama, Michelle (2018): Mi historia. Barcelona: Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial.  Translation: Carlos Abreu Fetter, Efrén del Valle Peñamil, Gabriel Dols Gallardo, Marcos Pérez Sánchez]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual. [10050]

Orwell, George (1949/2000): 1984. New York: Signet Penguin Putman.
           [Orwell, George (2013): 1984. Barcelona: debolsillo.  Translation: Miguel Temprano García ]
           Review of the alignment: M. Lang [10020]

Padura, Leonardo (2009/ 2013): El hombre que amaba a los perros. Barcelona: Tusquets.
           [Padura, Leonardo (2013): The man who loved Dogs. London: Bitter Lemon Press.  Translation: Anna Kushner]
           Review of the alignment: I. Doval. [11048]

Palacio, R. J. (2012): Wonder. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
           [Palacio, R. J. (2012): Wonder: La lección de August. Barcelona: Penguin Random House.  Translation: Diego de los Santos Domingo]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual. [10071]

Palma, Félix J. (2008/2011): El mapa del tiempo. New York: Atria Books.
           [Palma, Félix J. (2013): The Map of Time. Sevilla: Algaida.  Translation: Nick Caistor]
           Review of the alignment: A. Rita / A. González [11016]

Palma, Félix J. (2012): El mapa del cielo. New York: Atria Books.
           [Palma, Félix J. (2012): The map of the sky. Barcelona.  Translation: Nick Caistor]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual [11009]

Pen, Paul (2011/2020): El aviso. Seattle: Amazon Crossing.
           [Pen, Paul (2011): The Warning.  Translation: Simon Bruni]
           Review of the alignment: I. Doval [11032]

Pen, Paul (2013/2016): El brillo de las luciérnagas. Barcelona: Plaza & Janés.
           [Pen, Paul (2013): The light of the fireflies. Seattle: Amazon Crossing.  Translation: Simon Bruni]
           Review of the alignment: I. Doval [11037]

Penny, Louise (2005/2007): Still Life. New York: St. Martin’s.
           [Penny, Louise (2009): Naturaleza muerta. Madrid: La factoría de ideas.  Translation: Beatriz Ruiz Jara]
           Review of the alignment: T. Jiménez. [10066]

Penny, Louise (2012): The Beautiful Mistery. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
           [Penny, Louise (2018): Un bello misterio. Barcelona: Salamandra.  Translation: Maia Figueroa]
           Review of the alignment: L. Alejandre. [10062]

Penny, Louise (2012): The Brutal Telling. New York: Minotaur Books.
           [Penny, Louise (2020): Una revelación brutal. Barcelona: Salamandra.  Translation: Ana Herrera Ferrer]
           Review of the alignment: L. Alejandre. [10063]

Pérez Reverte, Arturo (1988/2000): El maestro de esgrima. New York: Harcourt.
           [Pérez Reverte, Arturo (2013): The Fencing Master. Madrid: Alfaguara.  Translation: Margaret Jull Costa]
           Review of the alignment: Á. Mira [11010]

Pérez Reverte, Arturo (2000): La carta esférica. Madrid: Alfaguara.
           [Pérez Reverte, Arturo (2001): The Nautical Chart. London: Picador.  Translation: Margaret Sayers Peden]
           Review of the alignment: T. Jiménez. [11051]

Pérez Reverte, Arturo (2002/2004): La reina del sur. London: Picador.
           [Pérez Reverte, Arturo (2002): The Queen of the South. Madrid: Alfaguara.  Translation: Andrew Hurley]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual [11001]

Pérez Reverte, Arturo (2003/2006): El caballero del jubón amarillo. Madrid: Alfaguara.
           [Pérez Reverte, Arturo (2010): The Cavalier in the Yellow Doublet. London: Penguin Books.  Translation: Margaret Jull Costa]
           Review of the alignment: P. Girol / I. Serón. [11079]

Pérez-Reverte, Arturo (2006/2008): El pintor de batallas. New York: Random House.
           [Pérez-Reverte, Arturo (2006): The painter of battles. Madrid: Alfaguara.  Translation: Margaret Sayers Peden]
           Review of the alignment: C. Quijada [11026]

Peterson, Jordan B. (1999): Maps of meaning: the architecture of belief. London: Routledge.
           [Peterson, Jordan B. (2019): Mapas de sentidos. La arquitectura de la creencia. Barcelona: Planeta.  Translation: Juan José Estrella González]
           Review of the alignment: P. Barco / E. Martínez / L. Mesón. [10044]

Peterson, Jordan B. (2018): 12 Rules for Life. London: Allen Lane.
           [Peterson, Jordan B. (2018): 12 Reglas para Vivir . Barcelona: Planeta.  Translation: Juan Ruiz Herrero]
           Review of the alignment: C. Quijada [10012]

Pinker, Steven (2018): Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress. New York: Viking.
           [Pinker, Steven (2018): En defensa de la Ilustración: por la razón, la ciencia, el humanismo y el progreso. Barcelona: Paidós.  Translation: Pablo Hermida Lazcano]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual. [10046]

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex (2023): Spare. New York: Penguin Random House.
           [Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex (2023): En la sombra. Barcelona: Plaza & Janés.  Translation: Canales Medina, Veronica et al.]
           Review of the alignment: S. López. [10057]

Pullman, Philip (1995): His Dark Materials I: The Golden Compass. New York: Penguin Random House.
           [Pullman, Philip (2009): La materia oscura 1: Luces del norte. Barcelona: Debolsillo.  Translation: Roser Berdagué]
           Review of the alignment: L. Mesón / I. Serón. [10054]

Redondo, Dolores (2013): Legado en los huesos. Barcelona: Destino.
           [Redondo, Dolores (2016): The Legacy of the Bones. London: Harper Collins.  Translation: Nick Caistor / Lorenza García]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual / E. Fabeiro. [11089]

Redondo, Dolores (2013/2016): El guardián invisible. Barcelona: Destino.
           [Redondo, Dolores (2018): The Invisible Guardian. London: Harper Collins.  Translation: Isabelle Kaufeler]
           Review of the alignment: J. San Julián. [11039]

Reeve, Philip (2001): Mortal Engines. London: Scholastic.
           [Reeve, Philip (2005): Máquinas mortales. Madrid: Espasa Libros.  Translation: Federico Eguíluz]
           Review of the alignment: S. López. [10052]

Rojas Estapé, Marián (2018): Cómo hacer que te pasen cosas buenas. Barcelona: Planeta.
           [Rojas Estapé, Marián (2021): How to Make Good Things Happen. New York: The Countryman Press.  Translation: Sofia Smith-Laing]
           Review of the alignment: P. Girol. [11064]

Roth, Philip (1991): Patrimony. A True Story. New York: Simon & Schuster.
           [Roth, Philip (1991): Patrimonio. Una historia verdadera. Barcelona: Seix Barral.  Translation: Ramón Buenaventura]
           Review of the alignment: P. Martín / I. Doval. [10040]

Roth, Philip (1997): American Pastoral. New York: Random House.
           [Roth, Philip (2005): Pastoral americana. Barcelona: Debolsillo.  Translation: Jordi Fibla Feito]
           Review of the alignment: I. Doval / G. Faya. [10044]

Roth, Philip (2010): Nemesis. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
           [Roth, Philip (2010): Némesis. Barcelona: Debolsillo.  Translation: Ordi Fibla Feito]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual [10036]

Rothfuss, Patrick (2007): The Name of the Wind. New York: Penguin Books.
           [Rothfuss, Patrick (2007): El nombre del viento. Barcelona: Plaza & Janés.  Translation: Gemma Rovira Ortega]
           Review of the alignment: P. Barco / I. Doval. [10055]

Rowling, Joanne K. (1997): Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
           [Rowling, Joanne K. (1999): Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal. Barcelona: Salamandra.  Translation: Alicia Dellepiane Rawson]
           Review of the alignment: M. Lang [10004]

Rowling, Joanne K. (1998): Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
           [Rowling, Joanne K. (1999): Harry Potter y la cámara secreta. Barcelona: Salamandra.  Translation: Adolfo Muñoz García / Nieves Martín Azofra]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual [10005]

Rowling, Joanne K. (1999): Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
           [Rowling, Joanne K. (2000): Harry Potter y el prisionero de Azkaban . Barcelona: Salamandra.  Translation: Adolfo Muñoz García / Nieves Martín Azofra]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual [10006]

Rowling, Joanne K. (2000): Harry Potter and the Globet of Fire. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
           [Rowling, Joanne K. (2000): Harry Potter y el cáliz de fuego. Barcelona: Salamandra.  Translation: Adolfo Muñoz García / Nieves Martín Azofra]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual [10007]

Rowling, Joanne K. (2003): Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
           [Rowling, Joanne K. (2004): Harry Potter y la Orden del Fénix. Barcelona: Salamandra.  Translation: Gemma Rovira Ortega]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual [10008]

Rowling, Joanne K. (2005): Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
           [Rowling, Joanne K. (2006): Harry Potter y el misterio del príncipe. Barcelona: Salamandra.  Translation: Gemma Rovira Ortega]
           Review of the alignment: Á. Mira [10009]

Rowling, Joanne K. (2007/2008): Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
           [Rowling, Joanne K. (2008): Harry Potter y las Reliquias de la Muerte. Barcelona: Salamandra.  Translation: Gemma Rovira Ortega]
           Review of the alignment: Á. Mira [10010]

Rowling, Joanne K. (2008): The Tales of Beedle the Bard. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
           [Rowling, Joanne K. (2008): Los cuentos de Beedle el Bardo. Barcelona: Salamandra.  Translation: Gemma Rovira Ortega]
           Review of the alignment: I. Doval [10003]

Rowling, Joanne K. (2012): The Casual Vacancy. London: Little Brown and Company.
           [Rowling, Joanne K. (2012): Una vacante imprevista. Barcelona: Salamandra.  Translation: Gemma Rovira Ortega / Patricial Antón de Vez]
           Review of the alignment: C. Quijada [10011]

Ruíz Zafón, Carlos (1993/2010): El príncipe de la niebla. London: Orion Books.
           [Ruíz Zafón, Carlos (2009): The Prince of Mist. Barcelona: Edebé.  Translation: Lucia Graves]
           Review of the alignment: C. Quijada [11011]

Ruiz Zafón, Carlos (1994/2011): El palacio de medianoche. London: Phoenix.
           [Ruiz Zafón, Carlos (2007): The Midnight Palace. Barcelona: Planeta.  Translation: Lucia Graves]
           Review of the alignment: C. Quijada [11029]

Ruiz Zafón, Carlos (1995/2013): Las luces de septiembre. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
           [Ruiz Zafón, Carlos (1995): The Watcher in the Shadows. Barcelona: Edebé.  Translation: Lucia Graves]
           Review of the alignment: Aimée Lewis / I. Doval [11017]

Ruiz Zafon, Carlos (1999/2013): Marina. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
           [Ruiz Zafon, Carlos (1999): Marina. Barcelona: Planeta.  Translation: Lucia Graves]
           Review of the alignment: A. Mira [11027]

Ruiz Zafon, Carlos (2001/2004): La sombra del viento. London: Phoenix.
           [Ruiz Zafon, Carlos (2001): The Shadow of the Wind. Barcelona: Planeta.  Translation: Lucia Graves]
           Review of the alignment: Á. Mira [11002]

Ruiz Zafon, Carlos (2008/2009): El Juego del Ángel. London: Phoenix.
           [Ruiz Zafon, Carlos (2008): The Angel's Game. Barcelona: Planeta.  Translation: Lucia Graves]
           Review of the alignment: C. Quijada [11003]

Ruiz Zafón, Carlos (2011/2012): El prisionero del cielo. Barcelona: Planeta.
           [Ruiz Zafón, Carlos (2011): The Prisoner of Heaven. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.  Translation: Lucia Graves]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual [11035]

Rulfo, Juan (1955/2011): Pedro Páramo. Barcelona: RM.
           [Rulfo, Juan (1994): Pedro Páramo. New York: Grove Press.  Translation: Margaret Sayers Peden]
           Review of the alignment: T. Jiménez / L. Mesón. [11081]

Sacks, Oliver (1970/1985): The man who mistook his wife for a hat. New York: Touchstone.
           [Sacks, Oliver (1985): El hombre que confundió a su mujer con un sombrero. Barcelona: Anagrama.  Translation: José Manuel Álvarez Flórez]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual [10029]

Sacks, Oliver (2001/2014): Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood. New York: Vintage Books.
           [Sacks, Oliver (2007): El tío Tungsteno: Recuerdos de un químico precoz. Barcelona: Anagrama.  Translation: Damià Alou Ramis]
           Review of the alignment: G. Faya [10028]

Sacks, Oliver (2015): On the Move: a Life. London: Pan Macmillan.
           [Sacks, Oliver (2015):On the Move: a Life En movimiento: Una vida. Barcelona: Anagrama.  Translation: Damià Alou Ramis]
           Review of the alignment: I. Doval / T. Jiménez [10027]

Sánchez Piñol, Albert (2012/2013): Victus. Barcelona: La Campana.
           [Sánchez Piñol, Albert (2014): Victus. London: Harper Collins.  Translation: Daniel Hahn / Thomas Bunstead]
           Review of the alignment: S. López / L. Mesón. [11090]

Santandreu, Rafael (2011/2014): El arte de no amargarse la vida. Barcelona: Espasa.
           [Santandreu, Rafael (2020): Shake it off! London: Arcturus Publishing.  Translation: unknown]
           Review of the alignment: M. Cabrera / I. Doval. [11067]

Santiago, Esmeralda (1996/2007): El sueño de América. New York: Harper Collins.
           [Santiago, Esmeralda (2007): América´s Dream. New York: Harper Collins.  Translation: Esmeralda Santiago]
           Review of the alignment: P. Girol / I. Serón. [11113]

Santiago, Esmeralda (2011): Conquistadora. New York: Vintage Books.
           [Santiago, Esmeralda (2011): Conquistadora. Barcelona: Suma.  Translation: Diego Jesús Vega]
           Review of the alignment: L. Alejaldre. [10073]

Sierra, Javier (2004): La cena secreta. Barcelona: Plaza & Janés.
           [Sierra, Javier (2006): The Secret Supper. New York: Atria Books.  Translation: Alberto Manguel]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual. [11096]

Sierra, Javier (2011): El ángel perdido. New York: Simon & Schuster.
           [Sierra, Javier (2011): The Lost Angel. Barcelona: Planeta.  Translation: Carlos Frías]
           Review of the alignment: A. Rita / G. Faya [11034]

Skármeta, Antonio (2011/2013): Los días del arcoíris. New York: Other Press.
           [Skármeta, Antonio (2011): The Days of the Rainbow. Barcelona: Planeta.  Translation: Mery Botbol]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual. [11042]

Suzanne Collins (2008): The Hunger Games. New York: Scholastic Press.
           [Suzanne Collins (2008): Los juegos del hambre. Madrid: RBA.  Translation: Pilar Ramírez Tello]
           Review of the alignment: M. Lang [10015]

Tartt, Donna (1992): The Secret History. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
           [Tartt, Donna (2014): El secreto. Barcelona: Lumen.  Translation: Genma Rovira Ortega]
           Review of the alignment:P. Callejo / P. Martín. [10042]

Tartt, Donna (2013): The Goldfinch. New York: Hachette Book Group.
           [Tartt, Donna (2014): El jilguero. Barcelona: Debolsillo.  Translation: Aurora Echevarría Pérez]
           Review of the alignment:P. Callejo / P. Martín. [10041]

Thomas, Angie (2017): The Hate U Give. New York: Harper Collins.
           [Thomas, Angie (2017): El odio que das. Barcelona: Editorial Océano.  Translation: Sonia Verjovsky]
           Review of the alignment:M. Pascual. [10094]

Thomas, Angie (2021): Concrete Rose. New York: Harper Collins.
           [Thomas, Angie (2021): Rosa en el asfalto. México: Editorial Océano.  Translation: Manuel Bellón / Marcelo Andrés]
           Review of the alignment:T. Jiménez. [10095]

Vallejo, Irene (2019/2022): El infinito en un junco. La invención de los libros en el mundo antiguo. Madrid: Siruela.
           [Vallejo, Irene (2019): Papyrus. The Invention of Books in the Ancient World. London: Hodder & Stoughton.  Translation: Charlotte Whittle]
           Review of the alignment:I. Doval. [11053]

Vargas Llosa, Mario (1977): La tía Julia y el escribidor. Barcelona: Seix Barral.
           [Vargas Llosa, Mario (1982): Aunt Julia and the scriptwriter. New York: Picador.  Translation: Helen R. Lane]
           Review of the alignment:I. Doval. [11054]

Vargas Llosa, Mario (1981/1986): La guerra del fin del mundo. New York: Picador.
           [Vargas Llosa, Mario (1981): The War of the End of the World. Barcelona: Plaza & Janés.  Translation: Helen Lane]
           Review of the alignment: C. Quijada [11006]

Vargas Llosa, Mario (1986/2008): ¿Quién mató a Palomino Molero? Madrid: Alfaguara.
           [Vargas Llosa, Mario (2012): Who Killed Palomino Molero? New York: Farrar Straus & Giroux.  Translation: Alfred Mac Adam]
           Review of the alignment: S. García / I. Serón. [11070]

Vargas Llosa, Mario (1993): El pez en el agua. Madrid: Alfaguara.
           [Vargas Llosa, Mario (1994): A Fish in the Water. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.  Translation: Helen R. Lane]
           Review of the alignment: L. Alejaldre / P. Girol / I. Serón. [11073]

Vargas Llosa, Mario (2000/2001): La fiesta del chivo. New York: Picador.
           [Vargas Llosa, Mario (2000): The Feast of the Goat. Madrid: Alfaguara.  Translation: Edith Grossman]
           Review of the alignment: C. Quijada [11013]

Vargas Llosa, Mario (2006/2012): Travesuras de la niña mala. London: faber and faber.
           [Vargas Llosa, Mario (2006): The Bad Girl. Perú: Alfaguara.  Translation: Grossman, Edith]
           Review of the alignment: M. Sánchez / H. Salgado [11023]

Vargas Llosa, Mario (2010): El sueño del celta. Madrid: Alfaguara.
           [Vargas Llosa, Mario (2012): The Dream of the Celt. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.  Translation: Grossman, Edith]
           Review of the alignment: M. Cabrera / I. Doval. [11074]

Vázquez Montalbán, Manuel (1974/2004): Tatuaje. Barcelona: Planeta.
           [Vázquez Montalbán, Manuel (2013): Tatoo. New York: Melville House.  Translation: Nick Caistor]
           Review of the alignment: S. López. [11107]

Vázquez Montalbán, Manuel (1979): Los mares del sur. Barcelona: Planeta.
           [Vázquez Montalbán, Manuel (1986): Southern Seas. New York: Melville House Publishing.  Translation: Patrick Camiller]
           Review of the alignment: L. Meson. [11102]

Vázquez Montalbán, Manuel (1979): Los mares del sur. Barcelona: Planeta.
           [Vázquez Montalbán, Manuel (1986): Southern Seas. New York: Melville House Publishing.  Translation: Patrick Camiller]
           Review of the alignment: A. Bustillos. [11125]

Vázquez Montalbán, Manuel (1982): Asesinato en el Comité Central. Barcelona: Planeta.
           [Vázquez Montalbán, Manuel (2012): Murder in the Central Committee. New York: Melville House.  Translation: Patrick Camiller]
           Review of the alignment: A. Bustillos / I. Serón. [11092]

Vázquez, Juan Gabriel (2011): El ruido de las cosas al caer. Madrid: Alfaguara.
           [Vázquez, Juan Gabriel (2012): The Sound of Things Falling. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.  Translation: Anne McLean]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual [11047]

Vidal, Gore (1981/1986): Creation. New York: Ballantine Books.
           [Vidal, Gore (1994): Creación. Barcelona: Salvat.  Translation: Carlos Peralta]
           Review of the alignment: C. Quijada [10034]

Villar, Domingo (2006/2013): Ojos de agua. London: Arcadia Books.
           [Villar, Domingo (2010): Water-blue Eyes. Madrid: Siruela.  Translation: Martin Schifino]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual [11036]

Villar, Domingo (2009/2011): La playa de los ahogados. Madrid: Ediciones Siruela.
           [Villar, Domingo (2011): Drowned Man's Beach. London: Hachette Digital  Translation: Sonia Soto]
           Review of the alignment: T. Jiménez. [11097]

Villoro, Juan (2008/2019): El libro salvaje. London: HopeRoad Publishing.
           [Villoro, Juan (2008): The Wild Book. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.  Translation: Lawrence Schimel]
           Review of the alignment: A. Lewis / G. Faya [11033]

Zambra, Alejandro (2006): Bonsái. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama.
           [Zambra, Alejandro (2008): Bonsai. Brooklyn: Melville House Publishing.  Translation: Carolina de Robertis]
           Review of the alignment: M. T. Rodríguez / M. T. Sánchez. [11061]

Zambra, Alejandro (2010): No leer. Santiago de Chile: Ediciones UDP.
           [Zambra, Alejandro (2018): Not to read. London: Fitzcarraldo Editions.  Translation: Megan McDowell]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual. [11062]

Zambra, Alejandro (2011): Formas de volver a casa. Barcelona: Anagrama.
           [Zambra, Alejandro (2013): Ways of going home. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.  Translation: Megan McDowell]
           Review of the alignment: T. Jiménez. [11060]

Zambra, Alejandro (2020): Poeta chileno. Barcelona: Anagrama.
           [Zambra, Alejandro (2022): Chilean Poet. New York: Penguin Random House.  Translation: Megan McDowell]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual / L. Mesón. [11072]

Žižek, Slavoj (2020): Pandemic! Covid-19 Shakes the World. New York/ London: OR Books,.
           [Žižek, Slavoj (2020): ¡Pandemia! Covid-19 sacude el mundo. Barcelona: Anagrama.  Translation: Damián Alou]
           Review of the alignment: M. Pascual [10030]

The works listed here have only been partially included.
In the original works the first publication date and, if applicable, the used edition date are cited.
In the translated works the date corresponds to the used edition year.
The figure in square brackets at the end of each entry is the work ID.


Europarl v7

Europarl v7, extracted by Philipp Koehn: <http://www.statmt.org/europarl> and released in 2012, is the last version available of Europarl.
For more detailed information, see Koehn, P. (2005). Europarl: A parallel corpus for statistical machine translation. In Machine Translation Summit, volume 5, pages 79–86. Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation (AAMT).

In PaEnS we use the cleaned and corrected version CoStEP Corpus (http://pub.cl.uzh.ch/purl/costep/) as well as its metadata.
More information in Graën, J., Batinic, D., and Volk, M. (2014): Cleaning the Europarl corpus for linguistic applications. In Konvens 2014. Stiftung Universität Hildesheim.

Here the original language is not always specified. In the cases in which it is included, we have indicated it. Segments over 80 words (in Spanish and/or English) as well as highly unbalanced segments regarding the number of characters - where misalignments are more likely to occur -have been excluded without any mark.


In PaEnS it is used the version provided by the Web Inventory of Transcribed and Translated Talks <https://wit3.fbk.eu/> . Thanks are due to Mr. Mauro Cettolo, who kindly made available the talks from 2018 onwards to the corpus.

For more information, see Cettolo, M. / Girardi, C. and Federico, M. (2012): WIT3: Web Inventory of Transcribed and Translated Talks. In: Proc. of EAMT, Trento, Italy: 261-268.

This supplement comprises the Spanish translations and the original English transcripts of 4043 TED Talks. The texts have subsequently been undergone different automated cleaning procedures as well as to a manual review of the alignment by the following team members: Irene Doval, G. Faya and Tomás Jiménez, and collaborators: Aimée Lewis, Alex Rita and Marina Sánchez.

We would like to point out that transcripts and translations have been done by volunteers and have not been subjected to editorial quality standards.


<Global Voices> The parallel corpus included here was compiled and provided by <CASMACAT> The current version is taken from release v2018q4 and includes data up to December 2018. Sentence alignment was carried out with <Gargantua> and adjusted for <OPUS> (s. J. Tiedemann, 2012, Parallel Data, Tools and Interfaces in OPUS. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation).


The texts included are part of a large collection of translated movie subtitles from <OpenSubtitles> For more information, see P. Lison and J. Tiedemann (2016), OpenSubtitles2016: Extracting Large Parallel Corpora from Movie and TV Subtitles, presented at the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016). We accessed this data through the parallel corpora collection <Opus> , that presents a slightly cleaner version of the subtitle collection, with improved sentence alignment and enhanced language checks. For further details, please refer to J. Tiedemann (2016), Finding Alternative Translations in a Large Corpus of Movie Subtitles , also presented at LREC 2016.

PaEnS Vers. 2.1
Last updated: 06.11.2024
ISLRN 778-213-630-221-1
ISSN 2605-5228    ©PaCorES
Creative Commons Licencia Creative Commons
University of Santiago de Compostela
This project is funded by the State Research Agency (AEI) of Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and University (PID2021-125313OB-I00).